





Oil tax reform

January 1 refined oil prices since the implementation of tax reform, oil prices did not increase, but the various sectors of the reform program has been mixed. Embody the oil tax reform and more and more tax, reform of taxes and fees for oil prices after the implementation of the impact, we think it is more reasonable oil prices, the additional fuel tax and the abolition of the maintenance fee was basically the same, the cost of keeping a car impact Great.

Reform program has given full consideration to the interests of all parties, especially the countries from January 1 to lower gas prices ahead of schedule to implement, but also highlights the principle of giving benefits to the people. The oil tax reform reflects the "multi-fuel, multi-tax; less fuel and less tax," the principle of a fair tax burden will be beneficial to society as a whole energy-sing awareness of emission reduction.

Transport enterprises of "worries" under the current situation in the finished oil tax reform, a more reasonable timing. Passenger motor vehicle industry, refined oil tax reform is a good thing. Oil tax reform before the introduction of No. 0 diesel price to 6.03 yuan a liter, but also to pay road maintenance fees and other costs. But tax and fee reform, road maintenance, passenger surcharge, transported tube is not only not he to pay fees, and oil prices also dropped to 4.88 yuan per liter. Which is not difficult to see, enterprise burden indeed a substantial margin.

However, due to uncertainty over oil prices, road transport enterprises to implement tax reform finished oil prices he the potential concerns, and that is changing oil prices. If the current 4.88 yuan per liter for diesel prices to adapt to the international oil price of 47 U.S. dollars a barrel standard, then, if international oil prices rose to 94 U.S. dollars, domestic oil prices if it will be doubled? If so, the pressure of the passenger business is unbearable.

In addition, the implementation of tax and fee reform, the secondary road charges will be withdrawn in an orderly manner, but "orderly withdrawal" is how a concept or make it difficult to understand. On the current situation in the province, highway fees or very common, many secondary roads toll stations he not yet withdrawn.





Lower oil prices in a timely manner, both for the private owners of vacation expenses while sing for their ceremony, presented a more refined oil price mechanism for the maintenance of the prestige of the implementation of measures to the market mechanism and then step by step.

National Development and Reform Commission recently issued a circular, decided at 12:00 on September 30 with effect from gasoline and diesel prices are down 190 yuan per ton, calculated to the retail price of 90 # gasoline and 0 # diesel oil ? liter is about the national erage decreased 0 .14 yuan and 0.16 yuan. This is the year, China's refined oil prices in the seventh revision.

After the last delay increases, the Development and Reform Commission this say about the finished product prices were down, although the decline is less than market expectations, but this time not only makes the adjustment mechanism of the outside of the finished product price is not over-react, but also making the National Day holiday trel in a private car owners can se a sum of money for the 60th anniversary of New China, presented a ceremony of Daqing. This adjustment not only safeguard the oil price mechanism for refined roach to the implementation of the prestige, but also conforms to market requirements.

We note that the uncertainty of economic recovery, high oil inventories and other factors, international market, oil prices a certain degree of drop in international oil price benchmark New York Mercantile Exchange, November crude oil futures contract for delivery in pricing below 66 U.S. dollars / barrel The minimum bid is only 65.41 U.S. dollars / barrel, while September 2 last adjustment of China's domestic refined oil price, the Brent, Dubai, Cinta three benchmark crude oil eraged 22, moving 71.52 U.S. dollars / barrels, a decline has reached the "measures" regulatory requirements.

In fact, since the last increase in domestic oil prices since the domestic market, oil prices began to drop the case. To the southwest, for example, after side of the domestic market price of oil has been the most tight, but the rise since September 2 after the price of oil, refined oil wholesale market prices began to fall. September 25, Chengdu 90 # gasoline wholesale price 6300 yuan / ton, No. 0 diesel 6100 yuan / ton, higher than the maximum wholesale price of standard below 1,000 yuan per ton, the highest. While in the agricultural province of Henan after the peak of the harvest of grain, after the emergence of rapidly declining trend, as compared with the September 2, Sinopec's 93 wholesale price of gasoline has fallen by about 250 yuan per ton; 0 # diesel oil dropped by 320 yuan per ton. Can see that the needs of the domestic market has been unable to crude oil prices to provide support. Reduction is an inevitable trend.



国家发展改革委近日发出通知,决定自9月30日零时起将汽、柴油价格每吨均下调190元,测算到零售价格90号汽油和0号柴油?全国平均 每升约分别降低0.14元和0.16元。这是今年以来,中国成品油价格的第七次调整。





油价52美元在4月2日(新华)股票飙升使美元软弱,汹涌奔腾上向上飞升--原油回来在52美国美元,一星期四桶右手击球员的左后方场地经过一在股票市场和一减弱的美元中强劲的上升支持的之上跳. 亮,甜美未加工对于五月投递获得4.25美元或者几乎百分之9在54.64美元把一只桶传给商人的交流.油价一直在紧密随着股本的波动到来.当美国财政会计标准板放松记号-向-市场规定和G20领袖在伦敦同意增强全球性经济复苏时,星期四随着所有的主修课召集华尔街把上升的百分之以上百分之2编入索引. 投资者基本上对负的报告失业数据和天然气盘货应付一个创纪录的高点无所谓.美国劳动部门说在超过26年中失业水平是最高和美国能源Department的能源信息管理报告天然气inventories支持住在朝派地面下层存储在朝派较低48州are32.1百分之一高与相比一年前和百分之22.4在上方的五-年平均为. 在伦敦,布伦特未加工的对于五月投递上升4.31美元,在52.75美元把一只桶传给冰未来中交换.


Latly, with the recovery of the world's economy, the demand of the curual oil dramastically increased out of people's expectation. Terrorist attack, strike and the instability of politics for the oil producing countries plusing the speculator's advocate, cause the oil price to sour to 49.40 dollor on August 20th, which is the highest in the last two decades. And this arise people's highly attention. For China, we are in the process of the fast developement, our demand for the oil increase abruptly, the high price of the oil will definately bring some negelative effects to the running of our economy and people's life. However, how deep the affection goes? Will it be something we can handle?

This article will analyse affection of the increasing oil price to our economy, and bring up some suggestions on how to solve it.

Thank you!


the past two years 是表示过去的两年中,是现在完成时的时间词,现在完成时(Present perfect)表示过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果,过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在并且有可能还会持续的动作或状态。此处翻译为在过去的两年里我们目睹了油价的急剧上升,这增加了汽车运输业的负担。此处过去两年油价的上升对现在造成影响,故用现在完成时。

2题很明显是在考察时间副词once的用法, 表确定时间的副词(如today, yesterday等)通常位于句末,有时也位于句首:He went home yesterday. / Yesterday he went home. 他昨天回家了。 而那些表示非确定时间的副词(如 soon, once, suddenly等)除可用于句末或句首外,还可位于句中(通常位于实意动词之前,动词be、助动词、情态动词之后),其次they once grew in the forest是做those的定语从句,必须要主语they。





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