_石油价格上涨 英文


2.英文翻译 (翻译器的不纳) 江湖救急 (拜托了)今晚能搞定的 加分!!!!



5.英文作文 如没有了石油

_石油价格上涨 英文






1、CPI是居民消费价格指数(consumer price index)的简称。居民消费价格指数,是一个反映居民家庭一般所购买的消费品和服务项目价格水平变动情况的宏观经济指标。




2、PPI:生产价格指数(Producer Price Index--PPI)是衡量工业企业产品出厂价格变动趋势和变动程度的指数,是反映某一时期生产领域价格变动情况的重要经济指标,也是制定有关经济政策和国民经济核算的重要依据。

生产者物价指数(Producer Price Index, PPI)与CPI不同,主要的目的是衡量企业购买的一篮子物品和劳务的总费用。由于企业最终要把它们的费用以更高的消费价格的形式转移给消费者,所以,通常认为生产物价指数的变动对预测消费物价指数的变动是有用的。






4、反映货币购买力变动 :货币购买力是指单位货币能够购买到的消费品和服务的数量。消费者物价指数上涨,货币购买力则下降;反之则上升。消费者物价指数的倒数就是货币购买力指数。

5、反映对职工实际工资的影响 :消费者物价指数的提高意味着实际工资的减少,消费者物价指数的下降意味着实际工资的提高。因此,可利用消费者物价指数将名义工资转化为实际工资。




英文翻译 (翻译器的不纳) 江湖救急 (拜托了)今晚能搞定的 加分!!!!













Overseas markets.

Action Area2. In overseas markets increased by 10% per year

A Action plan1 Regional Development Strategy

① Central Asia, the Middle East market

Due to political and social instability caused by high oil prices make the gap between rich and poor consumption patterns and the emergence of the phenomenon of polarization. In local income, high consumption of cigarettes increased in the low-priced products, demand continues to remain the same. According to the local market is PINE, and introduced low-priced products in the ESSE ESSE and other brand listed on gradually, while maintaining the current sales while expanding the current situation.

② the Russian / CIS markets.

The recent rise in oil prices on the basis, along with sustained economic growth and the increase in real income, high cigarette market growth, while the entry of multinational companies due to fierce competition, but the Russian market has a unique advantage to income.

③ the U.S.A. market

Each state in the United States, MSA (U.S. Maritime Administration) laws and regulations on company registration in constantly reinforced by the sanctions, continue to raise taxes on tobacco products, the results lead to 'Little Cigar'xiao (small cigars) and other tax benefits can be maintained through a superior products at competitive prices come out. The company is mainly targeting low-cost commodity markets is intensifying competition. Tobacco Control Act by the "words to increase the health hazards of smoking," "can not benefit or harm of smoking to write small words" and other regulations to deepen - "goal should be to maintain the status quo

④ China

In order to maintain the quota of imported cigarettes, the difficulty is the multinational companies to enter the inner. China Tobacco Monopoly Bureau manufacturing, distribution and sale is through the promotion of modernization, the future opening of the market compared to pursue the strengthening of competitiveness.

Awareness of the shortage of foreign cigarettes, tobacco type (VIRGINIA TYPE FILTER GIGARETTES) of the total cigarette market cigarettes accounted for 96.5%. BIG 3 company marketing offensive in the increasingly competitive Chinese market. If you maintain the status quo and to Beijing and Shanghai as the center of cigarettes in retail stores, then awareness of the local market increased slightly.

⑤ the Southeast Asian market

As Taiwan, Indonesia, tobacco tax increases, tobacco consumption is expected to decline to ear,

Various large multinational companies he stepped up production and actively carry out promotional activities.

ESSE the times to 1,000 billion acquisition of the acquiree's total production capacity of about

billion. In addition, ESSE contract with KT & G will actively focus on the expansion of the Southeast Asian market.









英文作文 如没有了石油


What is an oil crisis? The oil crisis is world economy or economy accepts the what petroleum price change , come into being economic crisis in every country. In December , 1960 OPEC (OPEC) is founded , the member includes Iran , Iraq , Kuwait , Saudi Arabia and countries such as South American Venezuela, but OPEC also becomes the organization who controls petroleum price key in the world mainly. That the quilt is up to now universally accepted triple oil crises, hen respectively on in 13 , in 19 and in 1990. The whole world in history triple oil crisis first time crisis (13): Fourth time of Middle East War break out in October , 13, be attack Israel and their sopporter, member state announces OPEC's Arab that very year December collect converge petroleum catalogue right, sends the person to the bottom and crude oil price arriving at 10.651 U. S. dollar from 3.011 U. S. dollar rise per barrel , is that oil price has gone up suddenly hing triggered afterwards the grest whole world of Second World War economic crisis twice as much much, thereby. The oil crisis economy continuing for 3 years to the developed country has brought about gre impingement. In this crisis, the American commercial run has come down 14%, the Japanese commercial run has come down above 20%, all industrial country economic growth slows all obviously. Second time of crisis (18): Acute change hened in Iranian second largest in the world petroleum outlet country political situations at the end of 18, pro-America Iran moderates king Pahli falls out of power , initiates the second oil crisis. He broken out now the Iran-Iraq war, the whole world petroleum output accepts effect, secondary suddenly fall 5,800,000 barrels to the 1 million barrel of the following every day. With the fact that the output drama cuts, oil price begins to rise suddenly and sharply on 19 , 13 U. S. dollar skyrockets to 34 U. S. dollar of 1980 from every barrel. This state has continued for half a year is many , this crisis has become a main cause of all-round decay of century seventies powder west economy. Third time of crisis (1990): Iraq suffers international economic sanction after Iraq attacks and occupies Kuwait for the first time in August , 1990, will do Iraqi crude oil supplies interruption , international oil price quickly rises as a result till high 42 U. S. dollar point. USA , United Kingdom economy speed up being caught in a decay , the whole world GDP growth rate breaks 2% in falling in 1991. International Energy Agency has started the emergent plan , the barrel reserve crude oil has put 2,500,000 into circulation a marketplace every day, OPEC with Saudi Arabia as the leader is also prompt increase output, price hing stabilized world petroleum very quickly. Besides, international oil price had risen suddenly and sharply also once in 2003 , cause had been Israel and force conflict , situation in the Middle East tension hened in Palestine, bring about oil price rising suddenly and sharply. To the whole world, economy brings about several time of oil crises pounding grely.


Today in this serious oil dependent economy, rising oil prices will affect everyone, oil is the basis of modern life, is the most important commodity in the world, is the oil that we he food, hunger and cold, for in home. But we envision today, if oil suddenly disear, the world will be in what position?

World without oil, our city will be what? Our food, trel mode will he what change?We will encounter what condition? The plane, train, ship these rely on oil into fuel to drive the vehicle, complete flameout. Power system is to break down quickly, all over the world he blackout, downtown into electricity shortages, global 4 into electric power production of spontaneous combustion of coal power plants, most of coal bytrain transport......

Maybe you will think of soybean food to oil, but this can only be used on diesel fuel,but can not let the car run away. A problem in front of in the world: the next year's harvest is fabricated into fuel, or as a food? Due to a shortage of food,some city has packed a famine. Winter is coming, people living in the northern hemisphere began to face a choice: to continue to suffer from cold and hunger in danger in the city, or fled to the south? And the South was crowded with pilgrimsgeneral Chaoyang immigrants, millions of cars are dropped. More and more hunters in the mountains, they brought not professional tools, through a variety of ways toprey on animals to eat. Slowly, industrial power once again become agriculturalsociety......





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